All Images and Cutting files are the designs of Regina Easter. Please don't copy or add to and claim as your own and sell...However you may use any of the images and cutting files in a project and sell...Also when you purchase a file, the file is for you only, please don't share my files with others.
These HALLOWEEN CARD BORDERS are formatted to fit on a quarter fold size card (approx. 4 by 5 1/4). There are 6 different borders...each border comes with a black frame around it and without....
This set comes in PDF FORMAT only - CLICK HERE to convert the images to JPEG FORMAT.
frame will fit a 4 by 6 inch photo....great for layouts...The printable
set also comes with the HALLOWEEN word that is around the frame separated and a half circle word that can be punched out with a 2.5 inch circle punch....There is also a border frame to border behind the main 4 by 6 inch frame...
Price for MUCH TO CUTE TO SPOOK 4 by 6 frame: $1.50
This MY LITTLE BOO CREW frame will fit a 4 by 6 inch photo....great for layouts...The printable set also comes with the words that are around the frame separated.
Design Team Projects: Click on designer's name to go to their blogs.
This huge BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT HOUSE printable stamp is approx. 10 by 6 inches...Perfect size for little ones to cut out themselves...The set also comes with a blank house.
Cut out by: Benjamin Easter
(I had my son do this for his class)
Design team Projects: Click on designer's name to go to their blog.
This DRESS CARD INVITE set includes greetings for invites for both a BRIDAL SHOWER and PRINCESS BIRTHDAY PARTY..the DRESS SHAPED card also comes with a matching envelope..and 13 other sentiments.....A few of the pieces not shown below in the sample project are:
two tiny flowers that you can add to the dress and a dress belt
Also there are 2 separate shaped dresses that already have the invite information ALREADY printed inside of the a dress shaped card without the printed information in it....
You can also purchase just the DRESS SHAPED CARD with matching envelope below....both files come in the following formats: pdf, wpc and svg
Sentiments and invite information only comes in PDF format - to convert to JPEG format, click here.
This is what the invites look like, they come by themselves not printed inside the dress and also they come printed inside of the there is a blank one.
These files are instant downloads after payment has been made.
This PENCIL BOX template - cutting file will hold 18 pencils....(comes in pdf for hand cutting and wpc file extension for use with cutting machines)....this file comes in the following formats: pdf, wpc and svg