Hello everyone, welcome to our first
Each Tuesday the Cafe will now be issuing a new challenge where you can win any 3 sets of your choice from the Cutting Cafe. So what does CASE mean, well there are a few different ways that people interpret it:
Copy and Selectively Edit
Copy and Share Everything
So basically your in some ways copying what someone else has done, but we are gonna use the project as a source of inspiration...Maybe you will take from the project the colors used or the placement of the embellishments.....whatever starts your juices flowing, is where you should start to create...These weekly CASE IT TUESDAYS WITH THE CAFE will be judged projects, so we will be looking to see how you took the inspiration project and created something awesome based on the inspiration project...The challenge will start each Tuesday and end on Monday nights...
...You do not have to use files from the Cutting cafe...
So without further ado, here is our very first inspiration piece...when posting to online galleries please make sure to put the number of the challenge..this one being: Case It Tuesday's with the Cafe #1
This beautiful card was designed by Julia Moss, she used the
how exciting on the new weekly challenges!!! Love the inspiration card!
Posted by: Hope Jones | 09/13/2011 at 05:45 AM
Looking forward to seeing what you all do!!
Posted by: Brenda | 09/13/2011 at 06:10 AM
How exciting that you're beginning a weekly challenge. I'm definitely going to add this challenge to my list of projects.
Thanks and hugs,
Posted by: Larelyn | 09/13/2011 at 06:12 AM
This sounds great. Can I request that you make your font on your blog larger as I have difficulty in reading such small print.
Posted by: Susan Butler | 09/13/2011 at 03:15 PM
Sounds like fun...looking forward to seeing what you all post for us!
Leah Schaeffer
Posted by: Leah Schaeffer | 09/14/2011 at 06:46 AM
Sounds like fun, Regina!!
Posted by: Charlene | 09/16/2011 at 10:38 AM
Sounds like fun. I'll be joining now & then. Thanks Regina.
Posted by: Erica Field | 09/16/2011 at 11:53 AM
Way cool Regina! This sounds like a load of fun!
Posted by: Raina | 09/16/2011 at 01:58 PM
Really great. Love the idea.
Posted by: Shirley Birnbaum | 09/17/2011 at 12:14 PM
CASE is a wonderful idea. I need suggestions--and appreciate the "openness" to create from the smallest detail to the original sketch. There are some lovely entries. I look forward to playing. Thank you for this opportunity.
Posted by: Krista's Paper Cafe | 09/18/2011 at 08:56 PM
Thanks for the challenge, I needed this to get out of my comfor zone, been in there way too long
Claire xxxx
Posted by: Claire | 09/19/2011 at 09:50 AM
wow such a fab idea Regina! just what i need to get me back in the swing of things :)
Lana x
Posted by: Lana Clarke | 09/20/2011 at 11:43 AM
Great idea Regina and just what i need to get me back in to the swing of things :)
Lana x
Posted by: Lana Clarke | 09/20/2011 at 11:44 AM
What a fun challenge.......I love the inspiration, great idea!
Posted by: Tracey | 09/21/2011 at 01:25 AM
I "like" you on Facebook. Would love these for my oldest boy!
Posted by: Moncler Online | 03/18/2012 at 05:19 PM
I rested my head against a pillow or an arm, and felt easy. In five minutes more the cloud of bewilderment dissolved I knew quite well that I was in my own bed, and that the red glare was the nursery fire. It was night a candle burnt on the table, Bessie stood at the bed-foot with a basin in her hand,lock pin and a gentleman sat in a chair near my pillow, leaning over me.
Posted by: lock pin | 08/10/2012 at 07:12 PM